Meeting ID: 848 1580 7548
Passcode: 123456
Telephone (if joining by phone): 0203 481 5237
Spiritual Healthcheck is 16 devotions, helping us to see where and how to grow in faith and joy. We’ll look at diagnosing how (honestly) we’re doing in our faith, along with how God helps us to thrive through his Holy Spirit.
We’re hosting these short sessions at 12:15pm, to enable those working (if possible) to join us during lunch. Feel free to bring your sandwiches if you’re short on time. 🙂
We’ll explore and discuss the topic, then have a short time of prayer for one another, aiming to finish by about 12:50pm.
You don’t need to buy the book to join us, but you can order either the hard copy or eBook online.