Whether you already feel pretty organised or whether you feel the panic rising when you try to spend money from your account, the CAP Money Course will help you take complete control of your finances. There are hundreds of courses run throughout the country each year, along with specific courses for students, young people and kids.
The first session of the free and friendly course is all about the state of your finances now and making income and expenditure match better.
In the second session we demonstrate the unique CAP Money system and in the third we look at maintaining budgets and what to do if, despite all the hints and tips for money-saving and budgeting which you’ve learned on the course, you find yourself in unmanageable debt.
CAP’s strapline is ‘Always Hope’ and the course aims to ensure that everyone taking part has more control over their finances as a result. There’s a mixture of videos and discussion but no-one expects delegates to disclose anything about their personal circumstances unless they want to.You get access for life to online resources through www.capmoneycourse.org and a workbook to help you get the most out of the live sessions.
Register for the course
Our next CAP Money Course runs on three Saturday mornings: 21st January, 28th January and 4th February. Each session starts at 10am, and will last between an hour and half and two hours.
To register your free place, click here>>